Creating an Emotional Wellness Practice

Emotional wellness is essential. It’s essential for us as human beings to navigate life, relationships, and challenges. And it’s essential for us as Untapped Leaders as we lead, build trust, and motivate our teams.

But in our fast-paced and productivity-focused culture, emotional wellness isn’t given the necessary weight it deserves. Centering wellness, leading with empathy, and cultivating emotional intelligence is an essential skill that often gets overlooked in the whirlwind of work and responsibilities at best, and as a weakness at worst. The reality, however, is emotional wellness is not only a cornerstone of a thriving life, but the cornerstone of effective leadership and a thriving team.

As Untapped Leaders, we have to make it a priority to build emotional wellness. As Dr. Marissa Kalu-Thompson explained during our Leading Through Crisis workshop, “The work of leadership is emotional.”

Understanding Emotional Wellness

So what exactly is emotional wellness? Well, it's more than just managing emotions. It’s being aware of our emotions and how they impact our behaviors and actions. It’s being kind to ourselves as we inevitably navigate through a wide range of feelings — particularly during challenging times.

Emotional wellness can also be understood as our ability to handle life’s stresses, adapt to difficult times, and move beyond surviving and into thriving (Berkeley Well-Being Institute). Essentially, when we give ourselves grace and are self-aware, we can healthily move through emotions and better navigate challenges.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Emotional Wellness

Creating an emotional wellness practice is a simple way to build your emotional wellness and emotional intelligence skills. Here’s how you can start:

  1. Emotional Self-Check: The first step towards emotional wellness is acknowledging and understanding our emotions. Check in with yourself throughout the day and ask, "How am I feeling?" This simple practice encourages self-awareness, brings clarity, and prevents emotions from getting bottled up.

  2. Carve Out Time for Connection: Whether through religious, nature-based, or spiritual practices, finding time for meaningful connection is vital. Engaging in activities that align with our values and beliefs can ground us, providing a sense of purpose and calm amid life's challenges.

  3. Embrace Self-Care Daily: Cultivate a self-care routine that caters to your specific needs. This could involve exercise, mindfulness practices, journaling, or spending quality time with loved ones. Remember, prioritizing your well-being is not selfish; it's necessary for effective leadership.

  4. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: A positive outlook can impact our emotional well-being. Challenge negative thoughts and practice gratitude regularly. Celebrate small wins and maintain an optimistic outlook, even during tough times.

  5. Be Proactive: Effective leadership requires a future-oriented mindset. Anticipate potential challenges and opportunities, and develop plans to address them proactively. Being prepared fosters a sense of control and reduces the impact of unforeseen circumstances on your emotional state.

  6. Practice Savoring the Positive: Amidst busy schedules, take a moment to savor positive experiences, particularly those from recent events. Relish accomplishments, positive feedback, and moments of joy. These acts of savoring help anchor us in positive emotions, even during demanding times.

As leaders, our success lies not only in our professional achievements, but in our ability to lead ourselves with empathy and emotional intelligence. Cultivating an emotional wellness practice is not a luxury; it's a necessity for sustainable and impactful leadership. By incorporating emotional self-checks, self-care, positive thinking, proactivity, and savoring into our daily lives, we pave the way for a resilient and empathetic leadership journey.


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